Water efficiency audits (AUDITÁQUA®)
What is the AUDITÁQUA® programme?
AUDITAQUA® is a programme of water efficiency audits developed by ANQIP - Associação Nacional para a Qualidade nas Instalações Prediais, to reduce water consumption in buildings.
For interested organisations, ANQIP supports the implementation of ISO 46001:2019 - Efficient water use systems - Requirements for use.
CertIHP - Certification of Building Hydraulic Installations
ANQIP has created the ANQIP Certification of Compliance and Quality of Hydraulic Installations in Buildings, known as CertIHP, which may be granted to any entity that voluntarily requests it for the installations they execute, promotes or acquires, and that meets the requirements established by ANQIP for this purpose.
Joining the certification scheme requires a declaration of acceptance of the conditions of the CertIHP regulation, which can be requested from ANQIP, as well as the corresponding cost table.
What services can ANQIP provide?
To Members
Technical and scientific support;
Professional training activities;
Information and publicity events for new products and technical solutions;
Publishing and distribution of publications and technical specifications;
Technical advice on projects;
Technical compliance certification of projects;
Certification of Installations (Technical Compliance);
Water Efficiency Product Certification;
Participation in Technical Committees;
Technical and health certification of rainwater utilisation systems;
Technical and health certification of grey water reuse systems.
To Builders and Developers
ANQIP certification of hydraulic and/or sanitary installations (buildings under construction);
Water efficiency certification and labelling for new buildings;
Quality audits (existing installations);
Water efficiency audits (existing buildings);
Professional certification of installers/plumbers;
Technical and sanitary certification of rainwater utilisation systems;
Technical-sanitary certification of grey water reuse systems.
To the sector's technicians
Training and Information;
Provision of technical specifications and other publications;
Drafting technical and scientific opinions;
Participation in technical committees;
To citizens
Carrying out audits of existing installations;
Certification of installations when buying a house;
Water efficiency audits;
Water efficiency certification and labelling of products;
Events to present new solutions, new legislation, etc;
Catalogue of certified products.